You ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right? That was me on Wednesday. I had all these great plans to get stuff done. The kids had eaten a good breakfast. I had made healthy snacks to take with us as we ran errands so I could get more done with less whining. I had my list, ready to go.
But there was one problem.
I couldn't find my keys.
They were nowhere to be found.
Oh wait! I found them!
On the front seat of my car.
My LOCKED car.
And I couldn't find the spare valet key.
Big. Deep. Breath.
That evening when I showed my daughter what we were going to have for dinner, her response was, "I'm not going to eat that."
Big. Deep. Breath.
So after a trying day-there was a temper tantrum in there and I realized I had forgotten to take the laundry out of the washer the day before and it smelled kind of funny- followed by a trying dinner, I got my beautiful children down for the night and sat down to make mini pinwheels for the baby's quilt, happy at last to get at least one thing accomplished.
Well, you know how in my last post I wrote how I love to iron and see all the points come together perfectly? After ironing over 100 1 3/4" half-square triangles-and subsequently giving myself "ironing elbow," a new medical condition that is totally valid-and then piecing them together to make cute little pinwheels for the outer border, I open up my sweet little squares to see this:
When it should have looked like this:
I think out of the 20 mini pinwheels I made at least a quarter-maybe a third-came out wrong.
Big. Deep. Breath.
My iron was not bringing forth tidings of great joy in the form of perfectly formed pinwheels.
At that point, I just walked away.