Monday, August 4, 2014


It's summer! The last couple of months have just FLOWN by here in our house. We've had pre-school "graduations" (very cute but ridiculous to call it a graduation), beach excursions for birthdays, tea parties, matching shirts for Father's Day, fireworks in the backyard, cousins and aunts and uncles visiting, and I have two extra helpers in the kitchen lately wanting to help with every meal I make (sometimes a good thing, sometimes not so much).

We've also decided to put our house on the market but before we do we have had to do some sprucing up around the place. But with all this packing up and cleaning I have been doing a lot of de-cluttering and have gotten rid of so much stuff.  So. Much. Stuff. It's amazing. It's  kind of embarrassing how much stuff we have but it feels so good to give it away and get what's leftover organized.

But with packing up and making the house ready for strangers to walk through (ugh) I did put a lot of my sewing/crafting stuff in storage (and by storage I mean my in-laws garage!). I do know myself, though, and I have to keep some sort of project going, so I kept a few of my counted cross stitch projects here at home so I can work on those during down times. My thinking is I can get the stitching stuff done on a few projects and once we are at the new place and settled in I will finish them to completion! I do have an unspoken agreement with myself that I will not purchase any new craft or sewing project until I finish at least ten from my list. Confession time: I may have bought some Christmas fabric for a project that I already have but didn't have the fabric to complete it. That doesn't count, right?

This little plan has worked so far: I've finished an Easter sampler and some Christmas ornaments and now I am working on something for Autumn.

I'm thinking of adding their names somewhere

One for each of the girls

Right now back stitching the quilt.

I'm also going to try and post once a week if only to show the progress that I have made on any given project. 

I have so many ideas running around in my head. My latest idea is to take this giant, ugly quilt top I started eight or nine years ago, finish it and make it into a picnic blanket. I've found we have been taking lots of picnics or going to lots of parks this summer and we need a giant picnic blanket for everyone to spread out on. But I've got some cool ideas to make it awesome. Guess I will have to add that to The List.

What's everyone been working on this summer?? Let me know in the comments below, I love to hear from you!

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