Friday, December 12, 2014

Writer's Block

Hi Friends!

I have some serious writer's block. I sit down to write anything and it feels like all I am doing is complaining. I have some great things to share with you about this season of waiting, this season of Advent, and how it is influencing my art but it just feels like I am whining. So, I'll just share some pictures of the Advent and Christmas things we have going on around the house.

First! I cleaned up my sewing and crafting area....well, cleaned it up enough to actually see the table and even use it if need be!

I have not accomplished much on the cross stitch front this week. I think the only new stuff is the little bit of red there on the right and some brown on the left side of the chair. At least it's something!

My favorite Christmas tradition is the trimming of the tree. This year was the first year the older kids got really into it and it was just so much fun. 

This is our empty manger because.....

...Mary and Joseph are traveling towards it (apparently with the help of Santa Claus and maybe a light saber as a night light. I don't know). 

Here is our Advent Wreath (ignore the previously lit candles....). We have had some serious wind in the last few weeks so I was able to walk my front yard and neighborhood and use fallen greenery to help make the wreath.

I hope that in this time of preparation you are finding time to just slow down and to be present. 

Happy Advent!


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