Saturday, March 2, 2013

A little business....

I added a few tabs to the top of the blog. One is a little history of how this whole lottery system got started. Spoiler: it was my mom's idea. A lot of *my* great ideas tend to be the ones my mom has suggested.

The second tab is a complete list of all of my projects. It makes sense to no one but me but I'm the one doing the projects so.....

Lastly, you can follow me on Twitter! I am @SewingbyLottery Be the first to follow me!

I went through my stash of fabric this week and found the best fabric to use as a border for my Fall Sampler. Unfortunately, it is only about 8 square inches; not nearly enough for what I need. I am hoping to make it to the quilt store tomorrow to find something similar so I can get this project finished and move on to the next one.

Since I had nothing to work on this past week I decided to make a little garland for my bay window for St. Patrick's Day. I should have that finished in the next day or so and that will be up on the blog as well.

I don't know about where you live but here in the Pacific Northwest Spring is definitely starting to bud! My crocuses are blooming and my first narcissus bloomed just a day ago. It brings me such great joy to walk out every day and see new things starting to grow and blossom! I'll take a few pics and post those as well.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and start working on those forgotten projects!   :)

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