Sunday, January 11, 2015

Basket Fixing


Man, this Focus stuff is tough! I want to work on anything except the project at hand.

My first pick of the year was to fix and paint this little basket I keep in my living room to hold toys for the kids.

After more sanding and four layers of black spray paint, I finished! It took me a little longer than I wanted because of having to spray outside and cold/rainy weather.

A litte uneven after one coat.

Looking better after the third coat. 

Once the fourth coat was dry, I hot glued black felt to the bottom.  My kids like to push it around on the hard wood floors and I noticed they were kind of scratching them. 

My husband took more action shots while I tried not to laugh too hard. 

Nope, I laughed. 

I usually don't look so happy trimming felt. 

So happy to be done!

I set it out the next day, filled it with toys and someone was very happy to see her toy box back!
Looks good, right? 

Bonus! I even got a video of one of the kids pushing the basket...oddly enough, not the one who usually does. 

And yes, if you listen close enough, my husband and I are talking about our youngest pooping in her diaper while sitting on the kitchen table. You're welcome. 

The first project is crossed off The List! I was looking over The List and realized that I accidentally finished another project; #15 was to fix an apron that had a broken tie. I'm not sure why that made it to the list, but I'm counting it! Eleven days into the new year and I've completed two projects! Awesome!

What's everybody else working on? Let everybody know in the comments!

Remember, you can always follow along on more fun at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Have a great week!


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